Row 2

Plant 1-2
5/5/11: No vines visible.

Plant 3: Reliance
5/5/11: Can visibly see the root base with 2 canes coming from root.  One is about 15" (6 buds), the other 6" (3 buds).  String is around the root base trying to train up to middle wire.

Plant 4: Reliance
5/5/11:  Very small root (approx 6") with string attached to try and train up.  No buds or canes visible.

Plant 5:  
5/5/11: No vine visible.

Plant 6: Reliance
5/5/11: Single vine but lower left trunk development with little hope.  Was trimmed back and may end up being cut altogether, however there are some small buds. Trunk does develop into a T shape with a right and left cordon.  The right cordon was pruned back to just two shoots.  The first shoot starts left then winds right down the wire and is tied to the top wire. The bottom shoot goes right into plant 7's area.  There is another right cordon/shoot that comes from just beyond the middle wire and shoots all the way to the right. On the left there is good cordon development.  From the early part of the left cordon there is a larger cane/cordon that develops left with a long shoot.  This could become the whole cordon if needed to be trained.  The regular cordon is thick and twisting with a cane shoot here and there.  It also twists downward towards the middle wire with a cane shooting upward.  The cordon realigns with the top wire and continues into plant 5's area almost touching the post.  Good cane and spur development on this due to a ton of pruning.

Plant 7
5/5/11: No vine visible. 

Plant 8: Frontenac
5/5/11: Single trunk, top of trunk is tied to top wire.  Trying to develop a left and right cordon.  The left cordon is the most developed but is knotty and twisted.  Left most shoot is tied to top wire, good bud development and spurs.  There are approx 2-3 canes shooting from center of trunk going straight up.  On the right is a knotty cordon with twisted development.  Rightmost long shoot is tied to top wire with approx 10 buds.  Lichen on trunk and both cordons.

Plant 9: Frontenac
5/5/11: Single trunk trying to develop into T shape.  2 cordons to the left.  Lower cordon has many buds and longest left cane is wrapped around top wire.  Upper left cordon is very knotty, lots of bud but no training or development.  May decide to prune back but keeping for 2011.  Lower right cane/cordon from trunk is long and developing, leaving for this year, may trim back or use as cordon.  The upper right cordon is developing well, end of the cordon has a good cane with about 15 buds, another cane about 6 inches closer to trunk has 10 buds.

Plant 10: Frontenac
5/5/11: Single truck with good size.  T shape development at top, however there is a right shoot and left shoot before the T.  On the right the truck shoot and cordon are tied together.  Lots of buds onto the right.  On the left the shoot from the truck many buds.  The left cordon has a long shoot tied to the top wire, about 3 shoots total from the left cordon.

Plant 11: Frontenac
5/5/11: Single trunk, developing into T shape.  Two cordons to the right, the most developed cordon has 2 canes and one is tied to the top wire.  Approx 10 buds each.  Cordon to the left is tied to the top wire.  3 canes each with approx 10 buds, one cane at end with 5 buds.  Lichen observed on truck and left cordon, right cordon/canes no lichen. 

Plant 12: Frontenac
5/5/11: Single trunk, smaller than 13.  Trunk tied to lower wire.  Left shoot 2/3rd up the trunk, then major growth to the left tied up to the top wire.  Right growth still much smaller and still developing.  End of the right growth a single cane with about 10 buds is tied to the top wire.  There is a spur from the right cordon.  There is a cane in the middle of the T that shoots into row 3.  There are about 6 buds on this cane.  It's possible that this cane should be the right cordon and trained to the right for next season.

Plant 13: Frontenac
5/5/11: Appears to be two truck growth.  Right truck and growth rests on bottom wire.  Lichen growth on vine, though multiple canes shooting out on the right.  Left trunk is more T shaped and better developed though still has lichen.  The T is tied to the top wire.  On the left cordon there are a few canes and buds... the last cane is tied to the top wire. Right cordon has larger cane shooting straight up, then multiple canes coming from cordon.  Overall the left truck appears to be in good shape and should develop well.  E-L Stage: 2

Plant 14: Niagara
5/5/11: Good vine, sturdy T shape but with 2 cordons to the right, one short, one long.  Long growth reaches well into Plant 15's area and has many buds.  Left growth from cordon is tied to top wire.  There is an empty tie on the left.  Many buds on left.  Single trunk.  E-L Stage: 3.

Plant 15
5/5/11: No vines visible.

Plant 16: Niagara
8/21/11: Full growth on both the left and right sides.  Vine has again grown beyond the right post.  Blackrot is still a problem on the vine.  The left trunk does produce fruit but stretches all the way across plant 15's area.  The fruit did have blackrot as well.

Far right fruit

Closeup of fruit
Leaf from left trunk shoot, about in #15 area

5/5/11: Solid vine.  Right side growth showing many buds, was trimmed back to about 6" before the post. Right cane/cordon connects to trunk about 3/4 way up, tied to top wire with 4 smaller canes coming from it.  Left side grows mostly from bottom wire rung and shoots up to top wire with multiple canes coming from it.  The vine grows well but is not trained well. At the top of the trunk you could cut the very top growth and leave the left and right cordon, you may also consider cutting the bottom left growth aforementioned. Otherwise plenty of buds observed.  E-L Stage: 3.

9/5/10: Lots of growth, probably overgrowth.  Bad blackrot problem.