Tad and I cleaned out some of the undergrowth and trimmed back alot of the grass and under canopy growth.
Notes from
http://www.theworldwidewine.com/wine_trivia/how_many_wine.phpOne bottle of wine contains about 25.6 ounces, or for those whose think in metric terms 0.75 liters. This is usually considered to be 4 glasses. As a rule of thumb, it takes about 2.4 pounds of grapes (usually 600 to 800 grapes) to produce a bottle of wine.
Looking at wine production another way, there are about eight bunches of grapes per bottle or three to five bottles per average grapevine.
Be careful about averages, the actual numbers vary widely. For example, Chateau d’Yquem, the most famous estate in Sauternes region of France, produces approximately one bottle of wine from eight vines. But what a bottle, this wine is generally considered the world’s greatest sweet wine, and has merited a unique rating for over 150 years.
What about acres? On the average an acre of land produces 5 tons of grapes, or, in other terms, a little less than four thousand bottles of wine. In other words, if you drank a bottle of wine a day, it would take eleven years to consume the output of a one acre vineyard.